Draw the line: reducing fine lines with collagen

Draw the line: reducing fine lines with collagen

Draw the line: reducing fine lines with collagen

Fine lines are one of the first signs of skin ageing. And while we like to think of fine lines, particularly smile lines, as a sign of a life well lived, reducing fine lines and preventing wrinkles could be easier than you think.

Here, we explain the causes of fine lines and a simple anti-ageing regime to treat them.

What causes fine lines?

Fine lines are a natural part of skin ageing caused by facial movements and expressions. As our facial muscles expand and contract to create movement, they cause creases in the skins surface. For example, fine lines under eyes are caused by smiling and squinting and fine lines on forehead areas is caused by frowning and brow movements.

When the skin is healthy and youthful, it’s supported by an abundance of collagen proteins and elastin fibres that act as scaffolding. The elasticity gives the skin enough flexibility to move with the muscle then ‘bounce back’ to being smooth when the muscle returns to resting.

Over time, skin ageing and lifestyle factors begin to accelerate the breakdown of collagen in the skin. Like a rubber band that’s lost its elasticity, the skin doesn’t snap back quite as well so creases caused by facial movements set in. Alongside collagen and elastin degradation, fat loss can also cause sagging skin and contribute to the appearance of fine lines.

What causes a loss of collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies and primarily found in the skin, joints and connective tissues. From our mid-20s, our collagen levels naturally begin to deplete with the rate at which we lose collagen only increasing as we age. This causes signs of ageing including fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and dehydration that contributes to a lacklustre complexion.

In addition to the natural ageing process, there are other factors that speed up the degradation of collagen in the skin including:

  • UV exposure
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Smoking
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of sleep

 Our nutrition also plays a very important role in our collagen levels. A poor diet that’s high in processed foods, sugar and alcohol can speed up the depletion of collagen and further breakdown elastin fibres that provide support to the skin. The body also needs the right nutrients to aid in collagen synthesis and defend against collagen loss. Without taking a defensive approach incorporating antioxidants such as Anti-G-Ox, premature collagen loss can lead to further fine lines.

Can collagen reduce fine lines?

Collagen is a great option for people wondering how to get rid of fine lines as its amongst the best anti-ageing supplements. Since collagen plays a fundamental role in the health and structure of our skin, supplementing with activated collagen peptides such as Natural Marine Collagen can help restore collagen levels, improve hydration and return elasticity to the skin to reduce fine lines.

How collagen supplements work

Collagen supplements contain amino acids that the body converts to the proteins found throughout the body including in the skin, hair and nails. Our Natural Marine Collagen contains hydrolysed collagen peptides meaning it has already been through a gentle enzymatic process that breaks down the collagen into fast absorbing and effective peptides.

Supplementing with collagen stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen replacing the natural collagen loss that occurs as we age. With an increase of collagen, skin elasticity and hydration also increase promoting a firm, smooth and radiant complexion.

Reducing fine lines on face and neck areas that are prone to creasing and wrinkles takes consistency however results can be seen in as little as eight weeks with daily marine collagen supplementation. Simple lifestyle changes and a thoughtful routine is the best way to reduce fine lines.

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